Liberated Embedded Systems


Table Of Contents

About us

I am Jacob Eva, the sole trader operating under the name of Liberated Embedded Systems. I manufacture shirts and embedded systems and sell them through my store. Therefore, I have an interest in understanding my customers and their actions on my services.

About Matomo

Matomo is an open source web analytics platform. A web analytics platform is used by us in order to measure, collect, analyse and report visitors data for purposes of understanding and optimizing their website. If you would like to see what Matomo looks like, you can access a demo version at:

I operate my own self-hosted Matomo instance, so your data does not leave my company.


Matomo is used to analyse the behaviour of the website visitors to identify potential pitfalls; 404 pages, search engine indexing issues, etc. Once the data is processed, Matomo generates reports for us to take action, for example changing the layout of the pages, publishing some new blog posts, etc.

Matomo is processing the following personal data:

This information is obtained through analysing our web server logs, I do not use Matomo’s Javascript or cookie tracking. The processing of personal data with Matomo is based on legitimate interests.

Legitimate interests

The reverse proxy I use to allow you to connect to my site logs basic information about your request, which was covered in the previous section.

This form of data collection is unintrusive. I do not use Javascript or cookies to track your actions with Matomo on my services.

I use this information as it allows us to better understand how you use my website, and in what ways I can improve it. Additionally, I also use this information to gauge popularity of my services, so that I can divert my attention to working on my most popular services.

Therefore, through the processing of our reverse proxy logs, I can improve my services, which means you can benefit from a better service.

Without this data, I would not be able to improve my services as effectively, nor gauge your interest. Your data will be used only to improve the user experience of my services and help you find the information you are looking for.

Recipient of the personal data

The personal data received through Matomo is sent to:

Data location

Matomo’s data is hosted in Germany.

Retention period

I am keeping the personal data captured within Matomo for 2 years.

Data subject’s rights

As Matomo is processing personal data on legitimate interests, you can exercise the following rights:

Right to lodge a complaint

If you think that the way I process your personal data with Matomo analytics is infringing the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Not providing personal data

If you wish to minimise the personal data you transmit to me, you may access our services using TOR. There will be no consequences at all regarding the useability of our website.


Matomo does not perform any profiling.